
Revised fee structure of D.El.Ed Click Here



Every student seeking admission to a class must apply for admission on the prescribedproforma obtainable from college office/ download from the website of the college.

Admission is granted to only those students whose result of the qualifying examination is complete in all respects.

If at any time it is found that a student has made a false or incorrect declaration or has provided incorrect information, her candidature will be cancelled.


Biometric attendance system is installed in the college as per the guidance of Education Regulatory Commission (HP-PERC) in order to prevent proxy attendance and also to prevent unauthorized entries in the college campus. Students must mark their Biometric attendance during arrival and departure from the college campus.


In case of continuous absence of 6 days without intimation the name of the student is stuck off the rolls of the college. Further, the students have to apply for the re-admission after paying re-admission fee of Rs. 3000/-.


Every student is issued Identity and Library card at the time of admission. All the students are supposed to keep these cards with them during their entire stay in the college campus and to be shown on demand to the college/university officials during examination.


Student can proceed on leave with prior permission from college administration.

  • Leave during house examination/class testsis sanctioned by the Head of the Department.
  • Leave for sickness must be accompanied by the medical certificate.
  • A tutor can recommend leave up to 2 days, for longer duration student must get application signed by Head of the Department.


  • Fee is payable in digital mode and or cash.
  • Tuition fee is charged for 12 months.
  • Dues once paid are not completely refundable, except the security amount.
  • The Director has the power to refuse or terminate admission, if the conduct of a student during her stay in the college is inappropriate.
  • Refundable security will be given only after the completion of the degree / course and if claimed within six months.
  • Fee is subject to change in case of revision by the university / institution.


  • Absence fine per period is Rs. 5/- and whole day Rs.10/-
  • Library fine Rs. 10/- per day per book.
  • Absence from House test is Rs. 100/- per paper.
  • Special fine may be charged for breach of any college’s rule and regulation.


There is provision of some fee concession, stipends & scholarship to poor deserving brilliant

students. But such concessionsare liable to be withdrawn incase of the students who:

  1. fail/remain absent in the House Examination/Partly.
  2. remain irregular in attendance.
  3. found guilty of misbehavior.


At the time of admission, each student is to submit following documents along with the admission form within 10 days of admission.

  1. Self attested photocopy of matriculation, 10+2 certificate (internet copy will not be valid)
  2. Self attest copy of ST/SC/OBC/IRDP/BPL/Handicapped, those seeking relaxation in age/fee etc.

  iii.     Photocopy of Aadhaar card.

  1. Migration certificate for candidates who do not belong to HP Board/University.
  2. Gap year certificate ( if applicable)
  3. Two passport size photographs
  4. Bonafide certificate


  1. Certificate of the latest passed examination
  2. Registration certificate
  3.   Character certificate in case of migrating candidate


For evaluating student’s progress in academics two type of tests are conducted:

  • House Test/Class test                                    

                                              As per UGC guidelines for prescribedcourses

  • Annual/End semester Examination

Eligibility for University (Annual/Semester) Examination

  1. The candidate has attended not less than 75% lecturers of the full course.
  2.  The student has obtained 25% marks in House Examination in all subjects/papers of relevant course.


Internal Assessment is carried out by observing student’s progress in:

  1. Class Tests
  2. House Examination
  3. Attendance
  4. Assignments/project


Scholarship committee constituted in the college guides and informs the student about various Government/College Schemes for availing scholarships.

College Scholarship Schemes:

  • Sarla Devi Sood scholarship, Sarla Devi Charitable Trust Jalandhar, awards scholarships of the total Value of Rs. 2500/-to the deserving students of merit cum means basis.
  • Sh. Baldev Singh Thakur (Founder Principal) KLB Memorial scholarship grants monetary help to two students every year, one from BA and other from B. Com. department. This scholarship bears full fee and dress expenses along with examination fee of HPU of two students in every academic session.

EDUCATIONAL TOUR/PICNIC– Educational Tours / Picnicsare organised in every academic session to enhance learning and   to encourage students to gain practical skills and knowledge.     

COLLEGE MAGAZINE: In order to give expression to the creative urge of the student, the college publishes an annual magazine titled ‘KUNJ VATIKA’. Student Editorial board is constituted through selection process. Student Editors are guided by the Staff Editorial Board.

PRIZES-Provision has been made for awarding prizes and certificates for distinctions in academics and other co-curricular activities.

GYM– Martial arts / Gym facility is introduced in the campus to promote physical fitness which is significant for overall development. Student can hit the Gym or attend Martial Arts training classes during free hours. These activities also help to check the screen time of students.  Martial arts / Gym trainer is available in the college to guide students / staff.

CANTEEN-The college is providing canteen facility to the students as well as teaching and non teaching staff of the institute, inside the campus.

Associations and Significant Committees like CSCA, OSA, PTA, HIV Prevention,Awareness Programmes, Red Ribbon clubs etc. are constituted in the institution.


CSCA coordinates and integrates the various activities in the college. CSCA is constituted in the college as per HPU guidelines every year. CSCA is a nominated body of the students comprising of President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary as well as Class representatives. CSCA members are elected on the basis of merit.


OSA has been formed in the college to foster fellowship and friendship amongst the old students of this college and to co-operate with the college administration for the betterment of the institution. Old Students Association (OSA) serves as a link between the past & present so as to give healthy directions to coming students. There is a provision of two types of membership:

  1. Life Membership
  2. Ordinary Membership


For better co-ordination & interaction between parents and teachers for improvement of academic standards and infra-structural facilities in the college, Parents Teacher Association (PTA) has been constituted in the college. Regular meetings of PTA are arranged and suggestions of the parents are considered for the improvement of educational standards and conduct of the students.

HIV AIDS Prevention Awareness Programme/Red Ribbon Club

The college has constituted a centralized committee to create awareness and prevention of HIV AIDS. Under the guidance of local medical authority, this committee conducts various programmes to meet the purpose. Red Ribbon club has also been constituted in the college since 2005 which organises various awareness programmes through different activities.

  • College provides excellent opportunities and facilities to the student’s various co-curricular activities organized in the institution. Students participate in these activities actively.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the college campus, defaulter will be fined Rs 100/-
  • Students are advised to take care of their belongings. Precious items are not to be brought in the college.
  • Regular teaching starts from July/August (as per university schedules).Students must come in the college in proper prescribeduniform.
  • Students must come in college in proper prescribed uniform.
  • Every student must read the notice board daily before leaving the college.